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What is eCommerce PPC Management?

Pay-per-click marketing, often shortened to PPC, is a form of search engine advertising that involves paid ads like Google AdWords. Through PPC campaigns, a business seeks to increase brand awareness among specific segments of its target audience by running paid ads. These ads are run on a number of platforms of the search engine land, such as Google (most popular search engine), YouTube, Amazon, etc., which can help generate website traffic and drive conversions.

If you are wondering where these ads can be seen, they appear right above and alongside the search engine results pages of your organic searches. These ads are most common on Google and Bing search engines as banner ads but can be run on your social media pages sometimes. These days, businesses are increasingly becoming tech-savvy as they realize the vast potential of advertising products and services online using search engine marketing. As a result, more brands have started investing in paid search ads to generate higher sales, and a whopping 50% of conversions achieved by these brands are through PPC advertising.

How eCommerce Pay Per Click Management Works

Pay per click advertising offers a measurable way for brands to reach their target audience. It enables them to have direct control over their budget, as they only pay for the number of clicks on their ads.

To Get The Most Out Of Their PPC Marketing Efforts, An eCommerce PPC Agency Can Help Brands Create Strategic Ad Campaigns That Will Clearly Define Their Advertising Goals And Their Target Audience. They Use A Set Of Criteria To Decide Which Segments Of Their Audience Will See The Ad. Once This Is Done, They Will Then Decide On Keywords That They Can Use To Target The Selected Audiences.

When A User Performs A Search That Meets The Set Criteria, The Ad Will Pop Up In Their Search Results. If The User Finds The Ad Relevant And Clicks On It, They Get Redirected To The Landing Page On The Brand’s Website. As A Result, The Payment Gets Triggered From The Brand’s Side For The Click They Received On Their Ad, Also Known As Cost Per Click (CPC). The Campaign By Your eCommerce PPC Management Agency Must Be Constantly Monitored To Measure The Effectiveness Of The Keywords Used, Ad Content, And The Allocated Budget To Optimize These Factors For Search Engine Optimization.

Our eCommerce PPC Management Services

At WYTLabs, we take a data-driven, SEO-focused approach to generate quality leads that can lead to conversions. Our PPC services include handpicking keywords relevant to your target audience, creating compelling content with crisp messaging, and setting up the cost-per-click system with proper monitoring.

Whether you are looking to advertise a specific product or service or simply drum up more business by showcasing your brand, we can create a personalized online advertising campaign to meet your unique objectives and promote your brand effectively through online advertising.

Google Shopping Ads

Websites with a vast number of products can benefit from Google Shopping ads. These Google ads appear above or alongside organic Google search results in the carousel format. When potential customers view products and prices directly on the search engine results page (SERP), they are likely to click on the ad. This, in turn, boosts the chances of converting clicks into sales.

Google Search Ads

Google search ads, or Google AdWords, are online ads displayed at the top and bottom of Google search results. Brands that advertise using the Google Ads platform create and manage targeted ads with specific keyword research. These ads are then shown to users who may be interested in the brands’ offerings. This measurable advertising helps businesses boost their online presence, drive website traffic, and generate leads and sales.

Display Ads

Display ads reach almost 90% of online users effectively. These ads are run on Google partner websites, targeting users of industry-related sites. The use of compelling visuals and ad copy helps to hook users and motivate them to take action. We recommend pay-per-click display advertising for companies that have longer sales cycles and a luxe customer base.

YouTube Ads

YouTube PPC ads are pay-per-click video ads on YouTube that help brands promote their products and services to a target audience based on YouTube algorithms and search behavior. These ads offer a powerful platform for businesses to showcase their products and/or services to potential customers and build a strong online presence. With engaging and informative video content, YouTube PPC ads drive brand awareness, customer engagement, and conversions.

Bing Ads

Bing PPC ads are run on Microsoft’s popular search engines, namely Bing, Yahoo, and AOL. During Bing campaigns, your content is advertised across these platforms simultaneously. Functionally, Bing PPC ads work pretty much the same way as Google ads. You bid on keywords based on traffic volume, and your ad is displayed when those keywords are searched. Bing then charges you for each click your ad receives.

Social Media Ads

Social media ads are fast becoming a growing segment of PPC advertising. These ads are displayed on popular social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and target potential customers based on their networks, interests, and browsing behaviors. Social media advertising is particularly beneficial for brands with an active social media presence and looking to reach a highly targeted audience.

The Benefits of Hiring eCommerce PPC Management Agency

Businesses looking to grow their brand quickly in a short period can really benefit from pay-per-click marketing. As this method of advertising offers a highly targeted and measurable solution to businesses, it can effectively deliver desired results, control ad spend, and drive relevant traffic to their websites.

Unlike other “free” marketing methods, with pay-per-click advertising, you can drive more customer traffic to your website in a matter of a few hours. You don’t have to wait for days and months to see more potential customers visiting your website. These are also people who ‘clicked’ on your ads, so they likely visit your website with a buying intent.

Furthermore, the results you get from PPC campaign management are also easily measurable, as they are based on set criteria and metrics. Tracking these metrics helps you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. You can also easily scale the campaign if you wish to get more clicks on your ads. All you have to do is increase your ad spend and place more bids.

How to Create a Successful Pay Per Click Campaign

Creating a successful PPC campaign involves setting clear and measurable goals, defining the target audience, conducting keyword research, crafting compelling ad content, scheduling the campaign posts, locking down the bids, and tracking and analyzing performance continuously and consistently. The feedback that you get from the campaign reports can also be utilized for optimizing future campaigns.

Since the game plan is to effectively allocate and manage the ad budget, it is necessary to work on generating regular reports for evaluation. Our team of PPC experts here knows the best strategies to do just that and turn around the results you desire.

Setting Your Goals

A good PPC management agency can help you set clear and measurable goals. This can be achieved by identifying business objectives, setting realistic but measurable goals using the SMART criteria, and ensuring the goals align perfectly with your company’s overall vision.

The SMART concept in PPC advertising stands for ‘Specific’, ‘Measurable’, ‘Achievable’, ‘Relevant’, and ‘Time-bound’. This framework helps ensure your goals are well-defined and easily actionable. For instance, if you choose to increase website conversions by 20% within three months’ time, you should be able to do so by optimizing ad targeting and improving the performance of your website’s landing page.

Choosing Your Keywords

Keywords are the building blocks of effective PPC ad campaigns, so they should be chosen strategically. The right keyword research will align with your marketing objectives, optimizing your visibility and budget for search engines.

We will ensure the keywords you choose for your PPC campaigns exactly target the products and services you’re aiming to promote. We use keyword search tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner to find the optimal keywords for your campaign. We also make sure these are used smartly in ad content to achieve maximum impact.

Writing Effective Ad Copy

Effective ad copy requires targeting your audience with a message that resonates with them. It should be both business-oriented and compelling enough to make your potential, and existing customers want to click on the ad and make a purchase.
Highlighting the benefits of a product or service, telling them how it can solve their problem, and using a FOMO element are all elements of an effective paid search ad copy.

Setting Your Budget

To determine your PPC campaign budget, first identify clear ad goals. Tools like Google Ads Performance Planner and Bing Ads Budget Planner can help you estimate your budget and project the expected results.

The next step is building a solid targeting and bidding strategy. We will place your bids carefully and adjust them periodically based on the campaign’s performance and market conditions. You may choose between manual or automated bidding and use tools like Google Ads Smart Bidding, Facebook Automated Rules, and Bing Ads Bid Strategies to optimize your bidding.

Tracking Your Results

Tracking results effectively is crucial to running successful PPC campaigns. That’s why we conduct thorough testing by continuously monitoring your campaign’s performance and important metrics. Performing A/B testing to compare different versions of your ads, keywords, landing pages, and bids allows us to identify the best-performing options and improvise accordingly. We also use the insights obtained from these tests to enhance the return on investment (ROI) on each PPC campaign in the future.

The Best Practices for eCommerce Pay Per Click Management

PPC campaigns require ongoing testing, monitoring, and analysis to achieve optimal results. We make it a point to add industry-specific keywords in your ad copy and use keyword tools to identify ones that will drive the best results for your business and not waste your ad budget.

Splitting ad groups into smaller, more relevant clusters and using ad extensions can also significantly boost click-through rates. Visitors will bounce if your landing page isn’t compelling, so we ensure it is fully updated and optimized for your ad content.

Use Relevant Keywords

It is crucial to conduct thorough research on keywords relevant to your campaign. Once you have a list in place, structure your ad copy with the logical placement of these selected keywords.

Using relevant keywords in PPC marketing helps ensure that your ads are seen by the right audience at the right time, increasing ad relevance, improving click-through rates and quality scores, as well as boosting conversion rates.

Write Clear and Concise Ad Copy

In PPC marketing, you have limited space to craft ad copy that is clear and compelling. Therefore, by effectively conveying your message and offering value to your target audience, you increase the odds of improving click-through rates to landing pages and achieving your campaign goals. Effective ad copy should also align with your brand’s vision.

Track Your Results

Tracking results is a non-negotiable step in a digital marketing campaign if you want the biggest bang for your buck. You’re making a mistake if you think continuous monitoring is not required for your campaign. Simply relying on the outcomes does not guarantee success. Measuring the effectiveness of your campaign performance helps to allocate the budget effectively, drive continuous improvement, and calculate ROI. And this is where our PPC services can help you.

Optimize Your Campaigns

Optimizing your campaigns through keyword selection, ad content optimization, landing page updates, the inclusion of ad extensions, review and adjustment of your bidding strategies, and continuous monitoring of the outcomes make sure your PPC campaigns are relevant. This, in turn, drives better results, maximizing your profit.

WYTLABS: Your Performance-Based eCommerce PPC Agency

At WYTLabs, our fully managed PPC services help drive immediate sales for you. We house a team of PPC experts who use the best SEO tools and practices to create ads directly targeting your audience and utilize cost-effective bidding strategies that maximize your ROI.

We provide PPC campaign management services in packages tailored to your specific needs and budget. A dedicated campaign manager will be assigned to oversee the entire campaign while you take care of your inventory, customer orders, and other aspects of your business.


PPC is a highly effective way for brands to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. A strategic ecommerce PPC campaign allows businesses to quickly reach potential customers who are interested in their offerings, and provides a measurable return on investment (ROI). Additionally, ecommerce PPC campaigns can be customized to fit any marketing budget, making it an affordable advertising option for businesses of all sizes. So, if you have just started with your ecommerce store, connect with an ecommerce PPC campaign agency and let your target audience know what you have to offer.

PPC is a highly effective way for brands to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. It allows businesses to quickly reach potential customers who are interested in their offerings, and provides a measurable return on investment (ROI). Additionally, PPC campaigns can be customized to fit any marketing budget, making it an affordable advertising option for businesses of all sizes.

The cost of a PPC campaign can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the industry, location, competition for keywords, ad format, and more. On average, an ecommerce store owner can expect to spend between $1 and $2 per click, with some highly competitive keywords costing as much as $30 or more per click. It’s important to set a budget and monitor campaigns closely to ensure that costs stay within the allotted amount.

Choosing the right ecommerce PPC agency is crucial to the success of your advertising campaigns. Look for a digital marketing company that has experience in your industry and a track record of producing results. You’ll also want to consider the company’s approach to keyword research, ad creation, and campaign optimization. Do ask them about the marketing tools they use, and their result analysis methodologies. Finally, make sure the company is transparent about their pricing structure and provides regular reporting on the performance of ad campaigns.

The results that we produce for our clients speak volumes about our unmatched expertise in PPC services. We have helped many of our clients achieve over 200% growth through a combination of organic and paid advertising. Our team has several decades of combined experience in ecommerce PPC campaigns, allowing us to navigate challenges without losing sight of our main objective – to drive conversions. Let us build an effective ecommerce PPC strategy to drive revenue for your online store.

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